Sunday, May 31, 2015

Did You Know Your Energy Drinks Contain BULL URINE & SEMEN ?!

Energy Drinks Contain Ingredient Extracted From Bull Urine And Semen. A study done by Longhorn Cattle Company, tested some of the top energy drink brands such as Red Bull, monster etc. What they found might leave your stomach in a knot. They found that the drinks do, in fact, contain bull semen.

is the ingredient that has come under fire. Taurine is named after the Latin Taurus, which means bull. It was first isolated from ox bile in 1827 by Australian scientists Friedrich Tiedemann and Leopold Gmelon. It is often called an amino acid, even in scientific literature, but it lacks a carboxyl group it is not strictly an amino acid. Taurine is present in bulls livers, semen and urine. One thing is certain, the taurine used in energy drinks such as Red Bull is taken from these sources.

Taurine found in energy drinks is a byproduct of bull testicles, it is considered not to be vegetarian friendly. The ingredient is taurine, a naturally occurring substance that is present in bull bile and breastmilk. The video shows how this ingredient is extracted from the Bulls. It was filmed by an employee of the company that supplies this ingredient to the various energy drink company. The video was then Leaked, leaving to us this secret they have tried to keep quiet for so long. The employee was later fired for violating company policy.

Source :

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Rapist Collapses When He Finds Out his Victim had HIV/Aids Virus

27-year-old Richard Thomas does not deny the fact that he raped his sick neighbor to the courts at all. “If she says I done it, then I done it. She tells the truth, she would not lie,” reported Thomas about the victim of his sexual attack. The thing is, there’s something more. Richard Thomas collapsed and was taken to the hospital after being told by Manchester Police that the woman neighbor victim that he raped is positive for the HIV/AIDS Virus. She has HIV/AIDS, and most likely, Thomas, the rapist, 27, probably now does TOO! The crime took place one night after Thomas had been  out excessively drinking and taking drugs on a binge. He decided that night to break into the house of his woman neighbor and rape her as she lay unconscious from having taken sleeping pills. She regained consciousness to find Thomas raping her. Thomas had known she was sick and now he knows with what.. She has HIV/AIDS. Since he raped her, Thomas has to be tested. The results are not yet in, but chances are that his victim infected him TOO.

 SOURCE : Huffingtonpost